Title and incidental music unless otherwise specified
Individual episode titles given only for anthology series
2008 Naples Open City aka Napoli City of the Damned dir. Ben Hopkins, prod. Nikki Parrott, Tigerlily Films for BBC Storyville & Arte France
2006 37 Uses for a Dead Sheep dir. Ben Hopkins, prod. Nikki Parrott, Tigerlily Films for BBC Storyville & Arte France
2001 Bernard's Watch series 5 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
2000 Bernard's Watch series 4 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
1999 Bernard's Watch series 3 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
1998 w5Bernard's Watch series 2 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
Out of Sight series 3 incidental music, dir. David cobham, prod. Richard Carpenter, Central TV
1997 Bernard's Watch series 1 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
Out of Sight series 2 incidental music, dir. David Cobham, prod. Richard Carpenter, Central TV
1996 Out of Sight series 1 incidental music, dir. David Cobham/prod. Richard Carpenter, Central TV
Woof! series 9 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
1995 Woof! series 8 dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
Music Writers on TV - Paul Lewis live performances and library music credited, dir./prod. Geoff Shepherd, HTV West
1994 Woof! series 7 dir. David Cobham, Central TV
Bernard dir. David Cobham, Central TV/EBU
1993 Woof! series 6 dir. David Cobham, Central TV
Kevin dir. David Cobham, Central TV/EBU
1992 Woof! series 5 dir. David Cobham, Central TV
Amy dir. David Cobham, Central TV/EBU
1991 Woof! series 4 dir. David Cobham, Central TV
1990 Woof! series 3 dir. David Cobham, Central TV
The Dark Angel (mini-series) dir. Peter Hammond, prod. Joe Waters, BBC TV
Birdscape (series) dir. David Cobham, prod. Avi Littler, ITV Channel 4
1989 Woof! series 2 dir. David Cobham, Central TV
Pretorius (series) library music uncredited, dir. Alex Clarke, prod. Michael Chapman, Thames TV
C.A.B. (series 3) library music uncredited, dir./prod. Neville Green, Thames TV
Hunted Down library music uncredited, dir. Michael Simpson, Prod. michael Chapman, Thames TV
1988 Woof! series 1 dir. David Cobham, prod. Lewis Rudd, Central TV
The Big Knife dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1987 The Honey Siege (series) dir./prod. John Jacobs, HTV West
Tam (Dramarama) dir./prod. Terry Harding, HTV West
1986 The Secret World of Polly Flint (series) dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
The Children of Dynmouth dir. Peter Hammond, prod. Rosemary Hill, BBC TV
The Glory Hole dir. Peter Hammond, prod. Joan Rodker, Thames TV
1985 Seal Morning (series) dir./prod. David Cobham, Central TV
The Last Seance (Shades of Darkness) dir./prod. June Wyndham-Davies, Granada TV
Bright Smiler (Time for Murder) dir. David Carson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
The Murders at Lynch Cross (Time for Murder) dir. Patrick Lau, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Mister Clay, Mr. Clay (Time for Murder) dir. Brian Mills, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
This Lightning Always Strikes Twice (Time for Murder) dir. David Carson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
The Thirteenth Day of Christmas (Time for Murder) dir. Patrick Lau, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Dust to Dust (Time for Murder) dir. Brian Parker, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
1984 The Prisoner of Zenda (Classic Serials) dir. Leonard Lewis, prod. Barry Letts, BBC TV
The Demon Lover (Shades of Darkness) dir. Peter Hammond, prod. Jane Wyndham-Davies, Granada TV
The West This Week (current affairs) sig. tune, HTV West
Your Say (current affairs) sig. tune, HTV West
1983 Swallows and Amazons Forever! (series) dir. Andrew Morgan, Prod. Joe Waters, BBC TV
Poor Little Rich Girls (series) dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
The Maze (Shades of Darkness) incidental music, dir. Peter Hammond, prod. June Wyndham-Davies, Granada TV
Hit and Run (Tales of the Unexpected) incidental music, dir. Peter Hammond, Anglia TV
The Last of the Midnight Gardeners (Tales of the Unexpected) incidental music, dir. Peter Hammond, Anglia TV
The Reconciliation (Tales of the Unexpected) incidental music, dir. Peter Hammond, Anglia TV
1982 Kings Royal (series 2) dir. Andrew Morgan & David Reynolds, prod. Geraint Morris, BBC TV
Young Sherlock (series) dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Ganada TV
The Forgotten Story (series) dir./prod. John Jacobs, HTV West
Night Beat News (series) various dir., prod. Peter Miller, ITV Channel 4 and S4C
Let's Go (features series) sig. tune, HTV West
Man and Superman dir./prod. Patrick Dromgoole, HTV West
The Vorpal Blade (Tales of the Unexpected) incidental music, dir. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
Hit and Run (Tales of the Unexpected) incidental music, dir. Peter Hammond, Anglia TV
1981 Kings Royal (series 1) dir. Andrew Morgan & David Reynolds, prod Geraint Morris, BBC TV
Stig of the Dump (series) dir. Richard Handford, prod. Sheila Kinany, Thames TV
Aubrey dir. Peter Hammond, prod. Rosemary Hill, BBC TV
Miss Elmore (Lady Killers series 2) dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
The Root of All Evil (Lady Killers) dir. Philip Draycott, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
My Perfect Husband (Lady Killers) dir. Kenny McBain, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
A Smile is Sometimes Worth a Million Dollars (Lady Killers) dir. Joan Kemp-Welch, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
The Darlingest Boy (Lady Killers) dir. Brian Mills, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Make it a Double (Lady Killers) dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
A Boy's Best Friend (Lady Killers) dir. Peter Moffatt, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
1980 Murder at the Savoy Hotel (Ladykillers series 1) dir. Philip Draycott, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Not for the Nervous (Ladykillers) dir. Valerie Hanson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Lucky, Lucky Thirteen (Ladykillers) various dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Killing Mice (Ladykillers) dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Don't Let Them Kill Me on Wednesday (Ladykillers) dir. Valerie Hanson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Miss Madeleine Smith (Ladykillers) dir. Joan Kemp-Welch, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Suffer Little Children (Ladykillers) dir. Nicholas Ferguson, prod. Pieter Rogers, Granada TV
Brendon Chase (series) dir. David Cobham, prod. Lewis Rudd, Southern TV
The Square Leopard prod. Peter Miller, HTV West
1979 Ring of Bright Water and Beyond library music (credited,) dir. David Cobham. BBC TV
1978 Betzi dir. Claude Whatham, dir. John Rosenberg, Anglia TV
Shadows (series) title music, various dir., prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
The Rose of Puddle Fratrum (Shadows) dir. Neville Green, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
The Man Who Hated Children (Shadows) dir. Neville Green, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
The Boy Merlin (Shadows) dir. Vic Hughes, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
The Boy Merlin (series) various dir., prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
Film Music (Music Round) extracts from Wreckers at Deadeye (1970) performed live to picture by studio orchestra conducted P.L. and P.L. interviewed by film critic Philip Jenkinson on the writing of film music, dir. Adrian Cooper, Thames TV
The Keyboard (Music Round) live studio performance of specially commissioned Fanfare and Toccata for Four Keyboards, dir. Adrian Cooper, Thames TV
1977 The Ghost of Venice (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Claude Whatham, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Countess Ilona (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Simon langton, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
The Werewolf Reunion (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Simon Langton, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Mr. Nightingale (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Alan Cooke, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Lady Sybil (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Simon Langton, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Viktoria (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Peter Sasdy, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Night of the Marionettes (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Alan Cooke, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Dorabella (Supernatural) incidental music, dir. Simon langton, prod. Pieter Rogers, BBC TV
Murder Most English - a Flaxborough Chronicle (series) library music uncredited, ("Mini-Machine" publ. De Wolfe,) dir. Ronald Wilson, prod. Martin Lisemore, BBC TV
The Goldfinch dir. Vivian Matalon, prod. John Rosenberg, Anglia TV
Waiting for Sheila dir. Waris Hussein, prod. John Rosenberg, Anglia TV
1976 Spring and Autumn series 3 dir./prod. Anthony Parker, Thames TV
Spring and Autumn series 4 dir./prod. Anthony Parker, Thames TV
The Promise (ITV Sunday Night Drama) prod. John Rosenberg, Anglia TV
Rocking Horse Winner (Classics Dark and Dangerous) dir. Peter Medak, prod Patrick Dromgoole, HTV West
The Island (Classics Dark and Dangerous) dir. Fuest, prod. Patrick Dromgoole, HTV West
Silver Blaze (Classics Dark and Dangerous) dir. John Davies, prod. Patrick Dromgoole, HTV West
Mrs. Amworth (Classics Dark and dangerous) dir. Alvin Rakoff, prod. Patrick Dromgoole, HTV West. Score removed by American Co-Producer William Deneen because it didn't include "Greensleeves" and replaced by a score by another composer
1975 The Nicest man in the World (ITV Sunday night Drama) plus appearance as pianist in party scene, dir. Alvin Rakoff, prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
In Praise of Love (ITV Sunday Night Drama) dir. Alvin Rakoff, prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
Amateur Night Out (The South Bank Show) animation by Thalma Goldman, BBC TV
1974 Spring and Autumn series 2 dir./prod. Mike Vardy, Thames TV
Better at Murder aka Intent to Murder (ITV Sunday Night Drama) dir. Alan Gibson, prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
The Prodigal Daughter (ITV Sunday Night Drama) dir. Alastair Reid, prod. John Jacobs. Anglia TV
Goose with Pepper (ITV Sunday Night Drama) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1973 Spring and Autumn series 1 dir./prod. Ronnie Baxter
The Inspiration of Mr. Budd (Orson Welles Great Mysteries) dir. Peter Sasdy, prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
Ice Storm (Orson Welles Great Mysteries) theme for whistler and plucked bass, dir. Alan Gibson, prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
In the Confessional (Orson Welles Great Mysteries) organ piece, dir. Peter Sasdy, prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1972 The Vanishing Hedgerows dir./prod. David Cobham, BBC TV
Arthur of the Britons incidental music and orchestration of Elmer Berstein's Title Theme, various dir., prod. peter Miller, HTV West
1971 Westward TV Station Ident Music "An English Overture" played daily until 1981, Westward TV start-up film dir. Rex Neville
Who Killed Santa Claus? (ITV Saturday Night Theatre) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
Mai Zetterling (One Pair of Eyes) dir./prod. David Cobham, BBC TV
1970 Wreckers at Deadeye (series) dir. Adrian Cooper, prod. Paddy Manning O'Brine, Thames TV
Smith (series) dir. Michael Currer-Briggs, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
To Build a Fire dir./prod. David Cobham, BBC TV
John Skeaping (One Pair of Eyes) dir./prod. David cobham, BBC TV
The High Game (ITV Playhouse) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1969 The Incredible Adventures of Professor Branestawm (series) dir. Pamela Lonsdale and Voytek, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, Thames TV
The Mind of Mr. J.G. Reeder (series) incidental music, various dir., prod Robert Love and Kim Mills, Thames TV
Star Choice (light entertainment series) title theme: library music uncredited, BBC TV
1968 Dracula (Mystery and Imagination) dir. Patrick Dromgoole, prod. Reginald Collin, Thames TV
Frankenstein (Mystery and Imagination) dir. Voytek, prod. Reginald Collin, Thames TV
The Brahmin Widow (ITV Playhouse) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
Countercrime (ITV Playhouse) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1967 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (series) dir. Helen Standage, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, ABC TV
Pilgrim's Progress (series) dir./prod. Voytek, ABC TV
Attack (current affairs series) title theme: library music uncredited, ATV
The Photographer (ITV Playhouse) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
Little Moon of Alban (ITV Playhouse) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1966 I am David (series) dir. Margery Baker, prod. Pamela Lonsdale, ABC TV
The Forgotten Door (series) dir./prod. Pamela Lonsdale, ABC TV
Figures and Facts (series) title theme: library music uncredited, ATV
Say Sorry (Love Story) dir. Valerie Hanson, prod. Pieter Rogers, ATV
Lost Hearts (Mystery and Imagination) dir. Robert Tronson, prod. Jonathan Alwyn, ABC TV
Carmilla (Mystery and Imagination) salon piano music, dir. Bill Bain, prod. Jonathan Alwyn, ABC TV
Armchair Comedy Theatre (series) opening titles, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
Daughter of the House (Armchair Comedy Theatre) dir. Jonathan Alwyn, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
The New Men (ITV Playhouse) dir./prod. John Jacobs, Anglia TV
1965 Undermind (series) opening titles specially composed, much of the incidental music and closing theme from library music, songs (music only) in Song of Death, various dir., prod. Michael Chapman, ABC TV
Man and Mirror (Armchair Mystery Theatre) dir. Bill Bain, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
The Last Reunion (Armchair Mystery Theatre) dir. Bill Bain, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
The Lodger (Armchair Theatre) dir. Don Leaver, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
The Gong Game (Armchair Theatre) dir. Bill Bain, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
Power in Britain (series) title music: library music, ABC TV
1964 Prisoner and Escort (Armchair Theatre) flute theme, dir. Philip Saville, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
A Jug of Bread (Armchair Theatre) theme tune: library music, dir. Don Leaver, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
Admirer at No. 8 (Armchair Theatre) closing titles, uncredited, dir. Peter Hammond, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
Shopping Time (advertising strand) library music, ABC TV
1963 A Way of Living (Armchair Theatre) dir. Alan cooke, prod. Leonard White, ABC TV
Some of the vast and inestimable number of TV productions scored in whole or partly with Paul Lewis library music, but with which he had no personal connection, are listed on the LIBRARY MUSIC drop-down page under CD RELEASES
The countless number of TV productions, including THE AVENGERS series 2 and 3 (black and white with Honor Blackman in a leather trouser suit,) for which PL sourced library music by other composers in his capacity as Assistant Musical Adviser to ABC TV 1963-66 and as freelance Musical Adviser to Anglia TV Drama Department 1966-1979 are not listed.